
Emergency teleradiology reporting 24/7

Our team of specialist radiologists deliver pioneering diagnostic support to acute care teams, providing reports in under 30 minutes with dedicated pathways for stroke and major trauma.

AI enhanced workflow for stroke reporting

Real-time monitoring

years working in partnership with more than 100 NHS Trusts

Working with Medica

Fast, accurate reporting 24/7, 365 days of the year

Our emergency reporting service provides dedicated specialist expertise any time of day or night. 50% of exams were reported in under 15 minutes, and 80% in under 30 minutes – we pride ourselves on fast, accurate reporting.

Quality assurance

We’ve implemented detailed quality assurance processes to ensure our radiology reporting meets the highest standards.

Optimised referral to report solution

Our processes have been carefully designed from referral, through to scan and report, as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Emergency reporting portal

Our NightHawk™ portal provides live visibility and accountability, including a record of referral justification under IR(ME)R.

Designated major trauma and stroke pathways

With dedicated pathways for emergency situations, we can improve patient outcomes for patients while complying with national targets.

Continual performance reporting

We’re dedicated to improving outcomes and our detailed and actionable data about how your teleradiology service is running is available live, and monthly, to suit your needs.

Referral activity management

Our workflow management and data capture tool highlights that hospitals who use referral data to engage with their referring colleagues save resources, activity, and ultimately cost by up to 13% per annum

National best practice

We share best practice from the largest ‘out of hours’ client base in the UK to support the ongoing enhancement of the service to patients.

“NightHawk™ sessions are filled with complex cases in a high intensity environment where patient care is our utmost priority. The Medica NightHawk Portal is my virtual dashboard, allowing me to not only manage my worklist effectively but it also streamlined communication with all relevant team members and clinicians to ensure the best in patient care. It provides real time information at my fingertip and allows me to do my job safer and better”

Medica Reporter

Medical reporting with Augmented Intelligence

Innovative solutions that help us deliver outstanding patient care, enhancing our services with Augmented Intelligence (AI). Find out why you should choose Medica.

Why choose us

Contact us for more information

“Medica is proactive, providing detailed reports and highlighting trends on referral rates and the number of scans accepted so that we have oversight of the service and potential future demand.”

Ketul Patel
Consultant Radiologist
Clinical Lead for Diagnostics and Support Services
Croydon University Hospital Croydon University Hospital

Medica partners with Croydon Health Services NHS Trust to provide NightHawk and Elective and Specialist reporting support. The partnership has been in place for over 10 years.

Our Quality Assurance

Explore our other services

Emergency reporting

Our emergency reporting service provides 24/7 diagnostic reporting and support for acute care settings.

Emergency reporting

Specialist services

Our team of experts can report on a wide variety of specialist services including cardiac CT, PET CT, DEXA, MR Prostrate, CT colonography, and much more.

Specialist services

Urgent reporting

Prioritised reporting for urgent scans.

Urgent reporting

Elective reporting

Secure, timely, and responsive reporting to manage your key elective performance targets.

Elective reporting